How to Facilitate an Online Board Meeting

A virtual board meeting is a great method for the board of directors of a nonprofit to get together without having to travel. Virtual meetings can pose unique difficulties. Some issues can be solved by using the appropriate tools to meet the needs of your board while others require more thought and careful consideration. There are a variety of tools that can help you run your online board meeting in a way that is efficient.

An organized agenda is essential to maximize the effectiveness of your online board meeting. Include specific topics for discussion, as well as the time allocated and the final goal. This will ensure that meetings remain focused on the most important topics and will reduce the chance of discussions drifting off-topic or taking too long.

Before you start your meeting, it’s a good idea to ensure that all members of your board are familiar with the tools and software they will need. Give clear instructions regarding how to sign in to the videoconference and urge your board members not to open any software that may hinder audio or use more bandwidth. Remind them to avoid brightly illuminated areas during their participation in case others don’t see their screens.

The best tool to conduct an online board meeting is a collaborative app that makes it easy for board members to prepare for and attend virtual meetings. Choose an app that will reduce meeting preparation time with an online book maker for board meetings, as well as a feature that lets you to easily distribute agendas and other materials for meetings prior to the meeting. Additionally, search for an application that supports real-time sharing of documents and allows participants to mark these documents with annotations and highlights.

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